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7 Budget Friendly Ways to Improve Your Website


Updated: Apr 9, 2022

A website isn't something that should be designed once and then forgotten about. You should always consider ways to evolve and improve your website. It is a great marketing tool when used right. Here are 7 budget friendly ways you could improve your website:

1. Update Your Content Regularly

An out of date website is not a good look! It can even give the impression that your business is no longer operating. Make sure you remove any dated content eg. event information or discounts. If you are running a blog through your website, be sure to update the content at least once a month. A regularly updated blog will help your website track higher on search engine results. Plus, nobody wants to read a blog post from 3 years ago. It is good practice to review your website on a regular basis to ensure you haven't forgotten about any outdated information.

2. Add Call to Action Buttons

Add call to action buttons or text throughout your website. You want to direct your users to the 'finish line' as easily, and pain free as possible. Whether that is a button to sign up to your mailing list, to shop your products now, or to fill out a service form. Tell your users what to do! They are on your website and interested.

3. Add Contact Information

In addition to a contact form you should always try and include an email address and phone number (if possible) on your website. I wouldn't recommend using your personal phone number for obvious reasons. If you accept face to face visitors you should also include a physical location. Some users are visiting your website solely for contact information, and they may not want to spend time filling in a form and waiting to hear back from you.

4. Include Photos or Videos

Break up text heavy website pages with photos or videos, which are more engaging and inviting to visitors. Nobody wants to feel as though they are about to read an essay when visiting a web page. Visuals can help grow your brands image and retain your visitor's attention. Did you know the human brain can process visuals up to 60 000 times faster than text. If you don't have any business photographs, you could use stock images until you have your own photos, something is better than nothing. However, keep in mind that stock images rank lower on search engines vs your own photos.

5. Update Your Website's Design to Current Standards

If you last had your website designed a couple of years ago, it would be a good idea to contact your designer for a little refresh. Design trends move fast, and an outdated website design gives the impression that your business is also not up to date. If anything, make sure your home page is design friendly, and then you can work your way through the other pages when your budget allows. After all, a visitors first impression is a lasting impression.

6. Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

50% of website visitors are using their mobile phones. If your website is not mobile friendly, you can almost guarantee they will exit your site immediately. It can also cause your website to be negatively impacted and downgraded in search engine results. So make sure your site is mobile friendly.

7. Start Blogging

Yip! Blogging can really help drive traffic to your website. Starting to blog can be a daunting thought, but start off slow by posting once a month, and then you can consider posting more regularly when you have gotten into the swing of things. The more often you blog the better your ranking, but again, something is better than nothing. What do you blog about? Keep the blog in the same category as your website/products/services. Offer tips and tricks to help users. Chances are, you are already somewhat of an expert in your field, so your articles will come naturally once you start. Whatever you do, do not copy other articles on the internet word for word. Google picks up on this and it will negatively impact your search engine ranking. Achieving the opposite result to the one you wanted.


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